So after much deliberation, we decided to call the rehearsal space The Mill. We had actually already come up with that (there were actually other ones we had already thought of, too), and then we had some replies suggesting that one (I think Sally was one of them), so we went with it. It makes sense, really. It works with the mixing of the actual location of the space, as well as kinda getting the back part of “Hill.” There were some pretty hilarious suggestions (ex: The Shit Hole, Jam Town, and S.W.I.G.S.D.), and I really appreciate everyone pitching in your ideas. That was pretty awesome. Although I gotta tell you, I was pretty dead set on The Mill, when someone suggested Ingram Hole, which just made me laugh/grossed out. That almost became the winner, but the other guys got a little too grossed out by it. So there ya go. We rehearse at The Mill. Short, sweet, to the point. I think it gets the job done.

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