This is your blog

The daily Post

To celebrate the King’s birthday yesterday…

I had a delicious fried peanut butter and banana sandwich. It was the first one I’d ever had. It makes a lot of sense why it was Elvis’s favorite sandwich, and why he gained a bunch of weight! haha. Holy crap it was good! But I figured it would be okay to clog up my arteries for my all-time favorite. I recommend you try it at least once (but the secret is to mash up the peanut butter and banana together before you fry it).
So to get to my other point, Read more

Well maybe we have a gift for you after all

Here you were thinking your old pals, Ingram Hill, we’re gonna get you a gift for Christmas. Well boy were you wrong! Now if only I had learned how to use the internet and our website, I probably would’ve given you your gift a lot earlier. However, I still haven’t learned how, so I used a website called for your gift, and lemme just tell you, my understanding of that site is at all time low. I nearly shot my computer. It almost got me out of the Christmas spirit, and you almost didn’t get a gift! But I think I figured out. SO, if you’ve ever wanted to own the actual mp3 of our YouTube cover of Chris Brown’s “With You,” you can download it for free. And if you’ve never wanted to own that, then we have some coal on the way to your house right now. 🙂 Download that sucker right here

Oh, and if you don’t celebrate Christmas, we got this for you.

***UPDATE*** You gotta click on the “free download” link under Tracklist, just below the album cover.

Wait, there’s a another winner?!?!

Of course there is. If you remember, we not only were looking for a name for our rehearsal space, we also needed a name for our new album (though we didn’t run a contest for the latter). I don’t know why these things take so long… I guess because it’s like, one step below naming your band. Once it’s done, it’s kinda done. I mean, sure, you could always change your band name. Bands do it all the time. But you lose name recognition and branding and all that whole shebang (sidenote: does anyone else read the word “shebang” as “she bang” in the voice of William Hung? Example here), so once you pick your band name, you really wanna try to stick to it. And once you’ve achieved some sort of notoriety, it’s kinda silly to change your name. So basically it’s set in stone. Same with an album title. Once you name it, it’s there. It’s on the cover, it’s listed in iTunes, and you get a million questions about why you named your album what you did. So almost half the goal is to just not name it anything stupid (like June’s Picture Show…”Maaan I love that JANE’S Picture Show album”). That said, here’s the new title and tracklisting: Read more